In arithmetic terms, 6 or 8 cylinders will always be more than 4.
In performance terms however, it's sometimes the other way around.

My 1997 GSX
Price Sticker
Stock Specifications
Mods I've done
Drag Times

More Information
Larson Hose Kit
Tom Stangles VFAQ's
2g DSM Specs

Race Shops
Concept Racing
Buschur Racing
Road Race Eng,


I remember in late 1989 when the first generation Diamond Star Motors sports cars came out I knew I would someday have one. After all, who would not want one of those cool little sports cars with the unique bump on the hood, a turbo under the hood, and a full time All Wheel Drive system on them. Problem was, in 1989 I was still in high school (11th grade to be specific) and there was no way in heck I was going to be able to get one. A few years later (late 1994 to be specific, Jr. Year at ISU) Diamond Star Motors came out with the 2nd generation Eclipse and Eagle Talons. I still remember the day I saw the first TV add on the new Eclipse. A nice shot of a truck broken down on the freeway with a shooting star flying across the sky. A second later this really nice bright red sports car comes flying down the road, slams on the brakes, and does a 180 degree slide on the road. Talk about nice. And to top it off, graduating and then a job was not far off, so, it was looking pretty good that I would finally be able to get one of these little things. Finally the day arrived, and I graduated from college, found a job, paid off some bills, and went shopping. Bought myself one of them hot little sports cars. So, I gathered up 5 grand and headed down to Jules Harrison Mitsu and bought a pretty blue Eclipse GS (non-turbo non-AWD, Insurance was to high on the AWD). Boy did I have fun in that little car. Even did well racing it at the EISCCA autocross events. Though the car was nice, it just wasn't fast enough in a straight line, and I still wanted to own one of the top of the line Turbo-AWD models with all the bells and whistles.

After having the GS for 13 months, it was time to move on. So, after spending my summer working at my regular summer job, teaching night classes 4 nights a week for the local college, I had another 5 grand in the pocket to blow on another new car (mom still says I should have bought a Honda) I found out that Ricks Mitsubishi in Pocatello Idaho had a pretty red GSX that had been sitting on the lot for a while and wanted to get rid of it. Talk about luck. About 4 days after first taking the thing out for a spin, I talked the bank into giving me another loan on a new car, and the insurance company into letting me buy it too.

Finally, after 8 years, I was the owner of a 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX. A fire-breathing, turbo charged, All-Wheel drive monster. I guess you can say I like it pretty well, considering how much money I've got into it, and how many mods I've done it (with more to come). For anyone who has ever wanted to have one of these cars, I can say that they are one darn nice sports car. If ya see me in town, and want to take a look, don't hesitate to wave!

I am also a member of one of the best car clubs on earth, Club DSM, a club that is devoted to DSM's (Eagle Talons, Mitsubishi Eclipses and Plymouth Lasers). Club DSM has become so huge, that people have been starting up regional groups. I belong to North West DSM, which is headed by Derek Wang. Overall, there are over 2000 of us DSM'ers who are committed to our cars, and to make them go fast.

A couple summers ago, I was talked into AutoCross racing with the EISCC.  I also have time time slips from drag racing.
